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Why study at West Yunnan University? 为什么留学生滇科师范?
2018-04-22 16:42 BAI Chongshun  审核人:

* adjacency accessibility to southeast and south Asia

* mild,livable, and inexpensive borderland for study

* 40-yearexperience of higher education including 18 years ofinternational student’s intake with rich teaching resources;  

* Caring team to serve international students with high availability of scholarships.




Eligibility for admission 录取条件


1.Senior high school graduate aged above 18;

2.Non-Chinese citizen holding a valid passport of a foreign country;

3. Healthiness, good conduct, abidance by the Chinese laws and the University regulations, and respect for the Chinese customs.


The University Scholarships 学院奖学金



In order to welcome international students to the University and encourage their study initiative, the University offers annual scholarships to those eligible for their excellent moral and academic merits. The first, second and third places of the scholarships amount to CN¥8,000.-, CN¥6,000.- and CN¥4,000.- respectively.

Part-time Work Chances 勤工俭学机会

The University offers a considerable number of part-time jobs to fund partially their study at the University administrative offices, academic departments, educational technology center, library and elsewhere within the campus. The international students, who face some financial difficulty may, through contribution of their spare time, earn some remunerations while practicing the career competence.








滇西科技师范学院对外合作交流处Office of Exchange and Cooperation, West Yunnan University

地址:临沧临翔区学府路2No.2, Xuefu Road,Linxiang District, Lincang, Yunnan, China

邮编:677000 Post Code:677000

电话:0883-8882663  Tel.:0086-883-8882663

传真:0883-8882663  Fax:0086-883-8882663